The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
11/12/2023 @1:00 PM - It seems that the worst is behind us. People now have the option to wear a mask in crowded areas. Most Covid symptoms are mild, flu-like. It is recommended that you isolate for 5 days if you have Covid so you don't spread it to others.
7/11/2020 @ 9:15 AM - BRC1 & BRC2 COURSE COMPLETION WAIVER EXTENDED...The NJ MVC has extended the motorcycle course waiver expiration period from 180 days (6 months) to 240 days (8 months).
7/10/2020 @ 12:00 PM - NJ MVC OFFICES OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK NOW...NJ MVC agencies will now be open 6 days a week to handle the large backlog. They will be closed on Sundays.
NEW MOTOR VEHICLE DOCUMENT EXTENSIONS - Motor vehicle documents expiring between March 13 and May 31 have now been extended to September 30. Documents expiring between June 1 and August 31 have now been extended to December 31.
6/6/20 @ 5:15 PM - When the NJ MVC agencies open on June 29th, these are the only locations you can go to for permit and Driver License transactions; Bakers Basin, Bayonne, Camden, Cardiff, Delanco, Eatontown, Edison, Flemington, Freehold, Lodi, Newark, North Bergen, Oakland, Paterson, Rahway, Randolph, Rio Grande, Salem (East Broadway), South Plainfield, Toms River, Vineland, Wayne (Rt. 46), West Deptford.
6/3/20 @ 11:30 PM - We won't be posting classes beyond August 23 until MSU has determined how classes will be taught for the Fall semester. They may need to use a section of the campus for Covid-19 testing. We also may not offer classes beyond September in case there is a virus spike when flu season arrives. Our main concern is the safety of our students and instructors. We have a group of medical professionals we consult who have taken motorcycles courses with us and know how the classes are conducted.
5/27/20 @ 2:00 PM - NOW OPEN FOR TRAINING.
5/23/20 @ 9:00 AM - Due to the new State mandates and recent research findings, we're making two changes to our Reopening Plan when we re-open;
1) Class size will return to the normal 12 students, which means we will add 4 seats to every class posted on our website. The seats will open up when we announce our re-opening.
2) We strongly suggest bringing your own helmet if possible.
5/8/20 @ 12:00 PM - When we reopen, here's our Reopening Plan to protect our students and instructors based on recommendations from the CDC, the Federal government, the State of NJ and medical professionals who have taken our courses;
1) We put the powerful updated information in the new classroom session of the BRC1 & BRC2 we offer online. The Tuesday night classroom session is now a live online classroom session. We no longer need to be inside a classroom anymore. All of our activities will be outdoors from now on. We eliminated the social distancing concerns of being in an enclosed environment.
2) We will limit the class sizes to 8 students for the remainder of the year instead of the normal 12. With 2 instructors assigned to teach each class, this will limit the number of people gathered for every class to a total of 10, which was the CDC guideline before the Gov. of NJ's initial Executive Order in late March. This also adheres to Federal and State guidelines.
3) Our instructors will wear face masks when teaching a class.
4) Our instructors will use a microphone system so the students can easily be 6 feet apart from each other and hear them. It will also enable our instructors to be at least 6 feet away from the students.
5) Students will be required to use their own helmets with face shields. Students without face shields will be required to wear face masks.
6) Students will be required to wear gloves when getting on and off the training motorcycles. (Gloves are required when riding the motorcycles). Students can wear latex gloves under or over their gloves if they want extra protection.
7) We will sanitize all the training motorcycles after every riding session is over with a bleach/water solution.
8) We will take a temperature reading of all of our students and instructors using a infrared forehead thermometer. Anyone with a temperature reading of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or over will be sent home.
3/22/20 @ 9:45 PM - Due to the Gov. of NJ's Executive Order 170 that went into effect last night, we are temporarily prohibited from gathering on MSU's campus. All the motorcycle programs in NJ have been temporarily shut down. As a result, we will cancel our classes on a week by week basis since things change daily. We will notify each class attendee a few days in advance of the first scheduled session by email as to whether the class for the upcoming week has been cancelled. Attendees have the choice of getting a full refund or registering for a future class at no extra charge. You can continue to register for classes that are posted on our website to secure a seat in one of our classes. This way when the Executive Order is lifted, you will already be registered for one of our classes. We apologize for the inconvenience. We must abide by the Order to limit the spread of the virus. Stay healthy. "This too shall pass".
3/18/20 @ 7:50 AM - We’ve been closely monitoring the Coronavirus situation in NJ. The number of people infected is rising rapidly. We will wait until Tuesday, March 24 to see if the curve has started to flatten out. If not, we will postpone our classes until it does. If we postpone our classes, those who have already registered for one of our classes will be switched to another class or receive a full refund. Your safety, on and off a motorcycle, is our #1 concern.
3/17/20 @ 12:16 PM - Our classes will continue as scheduled. We're making adjustments for the classroom session of the BRC1 and BRC2 due to the recommended curfews. Starting 3/31, we will put the classroom session online as a live classroom session. We are the only motorcycle school in the county that has the capability to do this. .
The section of MSU we use is located in Little Falls and located in Passaic County. We've taken and continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of the corona-virus. Class sizes are no more than 12 students so we're under the crowd gathering recommended limit and we're using the social distance recommendation.
We're asking students to purchase their own helmets with face-shields. Pompton Sport Center on Rt. 23 North in Pompton Plains will give our students a discount on their large selection of helmets. And wearing full-fingered gloves is required for the riding sessions. We are doing what we can to make our classes a very low-risk environment.
Riding a motorcycle is one of the few ways to deal with the current panic, fear and anxiety. So, "Let's Ride"!
In our efforts to help prevent and limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we recommend that our students and instructors be fully vaccinated with booster shots. We also recommend wearing a face mask.
In their effort to control and reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus, MSU has mandated that all students, teachers, staff, contractors, vendors, and visitors complete a short, screening questionnaire online (Hawk Check) before coming to the campus. It must be filled out every time someone comes to the campus. There are no exceptions.
MSU wants our students and instructors to also complete Hawk Check a day before or before coming to the campus. Click this link to be directed to Hawk Check and answer all the questions.
On the first page, click “Visitor”
On the second page;
a) Enter “Lot 60” for Location of Visit
b) Enter “The Riding Academy of NJ” for Person You Are Visiting
c) Click "Next" and answer all the questions
Keep your email response so you can show it when arriving on campus
Our mission is to help reduce motorcycle crashes in the State of NJ.
Our goal is to help our students become safe, smart, responsible motorcycle riders.
Our vision is motorcycles sharing the road with other roadway users with zero crashes.
(973) 742-2300