The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation's (MSF) BRC2 is a group lesson motorcycle safety training course based on a researched curriculum approved and sponsored by the NJ MVC. The BRC2 we offer (LW) is a practice course, a License Waiver course and a NJ-approved Defensive Driving Course done on your motorcycle.
It is designed for those who;
1. Already have their motorcycle license/endorsement and want to further develop their physical and non-physical riding skills on their own motorcycle and keep them sharp to help them avoid a crash. (The riding session must be done on your own 2-wheel motorcycle).
2. Already know how to ride a motorcycle and want to get a motorcycle endorsement. You must meet the following 3 requirements to take this course in order to get the License Waiver;
You will also have to pass the BRC2 Knowledge Test & Skill Test to get the License Waiver. (See below).
By taking a formal motorcycle training course and periodically practicing good riding techniques, you develop "muscle memory" which means when something unexpected occurs, your brain automatically tells your body what to do. There is no thinking about what to do. It's an automatic response. When confronted with a panic situation, you will always revert to your habits, which develop through constant repetition or training. This is why the military and first responders train and drill constantly. Motorcyclists should do the same to help avoid a crash. Constant training will help you to avoid a motorcycle crash. It will also help you keep your riding skill level higher than your risk-taking level, which is good Risk Offset, a concept covered in the MSF 5-hour eP1x11 eCourse.
When it comes to riding a motorcycle, the concept of "Use it or lose it" applies. When you stop riding for a few weeks, the "muscle memory" starts to deteriorate which is why taking a yearly refresher course is so important after a winter layoff or any layoff to help re-develop the "muscle memory" needed.
As an extra bonus, successfully completing the BRC2 LW entitles you to an insurance discount if your insurance company participates in the NJ State Defensive Driving program. It also entitles you to a 2-point reduction on your NJ Driver License if you have points on your driving record. (The BRC2 LW is registered with the NJ MVC as an approved Defense Driving Course. See below for more information about the insurance discount and 2-point reduction).
Everything you need to know about the BRC2 offered by The Riding Academy of NJ is on this page if you take the time to read it thoroughly.
The BRC2 LW we offer is a 10-hour course that consists of two modules or parts;
MODULE 1 - You begin by first taking a 5-hour (average time) Pre-Course Assignment which is a self-paced interactive asynchronous online module (the MSF eP1x11 eCourse) that familiarizes you with some of the physical and non-physical skills needed to ride a motorcycle safely, which you do on your own, at your own pace. The MSF eP1x11 eCourse is also a great tutorial or refresher if you have some riding experience. (This is the same MSF eP1x11 eCourse for the BRC1). The MSF eP1x11 eCourse must be completed before Module 2. We suggest spending an hour a day on the MSF eP1x11 eCourse until it is completed. If you already took the MSF eP1x11 eCourse, you do not need to take it again unless you want a refresher. Just re-print the Completion Certificate or take a picture of it. You can access your MSF eP1x11 eCourse Completion Certificate with this link. Click "Returning Student".
If you haven't taken the MSF eP1x11 eCourse, the link for the MSF eP1x11 eCourse, which allows you to take the MSF eP1x11 eCourse for free, is included in the confirmation email/tickets you will receive from Eventbrite (our registration platform) after registering for the course. (You'll find it under "Additional Information" in the confirmation email/tickets). The link will also be in an email you will receive from The Riding Academy of NJ a few days after you register for the course. You can also click MSF eCourse to access the link.
If you register additional people for a class, you will have to forward the confirmation email to them.
MODULE 2 - After completing Module 1, you take approximately 5 hours of practice riding on your own 2-wheel motorcycle in a large, enclosed parking lot with other students taking the course. (12 is the maximum class size). You get hands-on training with two NJ MVC & MSF certified motorcycle safety instructors. The riding exercises are taken from the BRC1. If you've taken the BRC1, this is a great way to get more comfortable on your 2-wheel motorcycle.
ORIENTATION SESSION - There will be a 1 1/2 hour remote/virtual/online Orientation Session at 6:00 PM on the Tuesday night before the scheduled date of Module 2 (the riding session). This online session will properly prepare you for the riding session. It will cover the riding gear required for the riding exercises, questions about the MSF eP1x11 eCourse, the Liability Waivers that need to be signed before the first riding session, the riding exercises, the Knowledge Test if you are taking the course for the License Waiver, the insurance discount and/or the 2-pont reduction, the Skill Test if you are taking the course for the License Waiver, making an appointment with the NJ MVC to get your motorcycle endorsement if you are taking the course for the License Waiver, and answer any questions you may have. The link to the Orientation Session will be sent in an email three days before the schedule date of the Orientation Session. A reminder email will be sent one day before the scheduled date of the Orientation Session. THE ORIENTATION SESSION IS ONLINE DONE AT YOUR LOCATION (YOUR HOME, YOUR OFFICE, ETC.). This email and additional informative emails are sent as automated group emails by Eventbrite. This session is optional if you took the BRC1, the BRC2 LW or the APRC with The Riding Academy of NJ and already attended it.
If you are not getting the automated group emails, it could be for the following reasons;
a) One of your email addresses was incorrect on the Registration Order Form
b) Your Spam or Security settings are either sending the group automated emails to your Spam or Junk folder or deleting them.
c) You may have unsubscribed from a marketing email from Eventbrite.
Here are a few suggestions since we can't forward the automated group emails;
1) Add to your email Contacts list.
2) Check your "Filters and Blocked Addresses" email settings.
3) Send us a different email address and we will add it to the Eventbrite system so you receive the remaining automated group emails.
The practice riding exercises are held on either a Saturday or Sunday afternoon from 1:00 PM to approximately 6:30 PM at our training location at Montclair State University in parking Lot 60 located at 35 Clove Rd in Little Falls (off Rt. 46 East) behind the student bus platform and the bus garage. The location is pinned on Goggle Maps - The Riding Academy of NJ.
There is no number of miles ridden or amount of riding time requirement to take this course. If you can ride to the MSU parking lot on your own 2-wheel motorcycle, you can take this course. (You can also trailer your motorcycle to MSU).
Classes are held rain or shine. If rain is in the forecast, bring rain gear (rain jacket, rain pants, waterproof shoes, and waterproof gloves or latex gloves to wear under your gloves) to keep you dry and prevent hypothermia on cold rainy days.
If you are taking the course to get your motorcycle license/endorsement, the insurance discount and/or the 2-point reduction.
You must complete Module 1 and take the course Knowledge Test (25 multiple choice questions, which is different than the NJ MVC written test) which is given during the course and is based on the information contained in Module 1.
If you are taking the course to get your motorcycle license/endorsement.
In addition to having to take the BRC2 Knowledge Test, there is also a Skill/Road Test given after all the practice riding exercises have been completed. (You'll get to practice everything on the Skill Test before taking the test). If you pass both the course Knowledge Test and the Skill Test, the NJ MVC allows us to give you paperwork that waives the NJ MVC motorcycle road test so you can get your NJ motorcycle license/endorsement without having to go to the NJ MVC to take the NJ MVC road test on your own motorcycle. (You only have to go to the NJ MVC after successfully completing the course to get the motorcycle endorsement put on your Driver License). You must have a NJ Driver License, AND a valid & current NJ motorcycle permit, AND your own 2-wheel motorcycle and use it for the riding session to qualify for the License Waiver.
As stated above, the MSF eP1x11 eCourse is the first part of the course. If you should have an issue with the MSF eP1x11 eCourse, we can't help you. The eP1x11 eCourse is administered by the MSF. Email the Motorcycle Safety Foundation at or call them at (949) 727.3227 x3158 Monday thru Friday between 8:00am - 4:30pm Pacific Time. Tell them your name and the username/e-mail that you are using to log in to the MSF eP1x11eCourse.
You will learn and practice;
and much, much more. You'll learn and discover things that you didn't know before and you'll be able to handle and control your motorcycle better. We teach old dogs new tricks.
For Module 1, you need a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone and an email address.
For the practice riding session (Module 2), you need the following;
You will not be allowed to ride the practice riding exercises unless you have all of the items listed above. (If you do not have all of the items listed above for the practice riding exercises, you will be dismissed from the class. (See "Refunds" under the "Policies" page of our website to read our Refund Policy).
We created some YouTube videos on our YouTube Channel for taking off, shifting, turning, stopping, avoiding an intersection crash, avoiding a curve crash. They are posted on the Home page of our website and on the Riding Tips page of our website. Click here to go to to the Riding Tips page on our website.
Our price for the BRC2 LW is only $139. There is a 10% discount if you previously took the BRC1 with The Riding Academy of NJ (RANJ). If you took the BRC1 with RANJ, use the Promo Code when registering for the course. The Promo code is listed in the Course Description for the BRC2 posted on Eventbrite, our registration platform.
Some motorcycle clubs may offer a rebate for taking the MSF BRC2. If you are a member of a motorcycle club, see if the club offers a rebate for taking the MSF BRC2.
Click here to go to our Course Schedule page and select the class you want to attend. Registration is online only. We accept all major credit cards and PayPal. Click here to READ OUR REFUND POLICY BEFORE YOU SIGN-UP FOR A CLASS SO YOU KNOW YOUR OPTIONS ABOUT REFUNDS, SWITCHING CLASSES, NOT BEING ABLE TO ATTEND A CLASS YOU SIGNED-UP FOR, DROPPING OUT OF A CLASS, ARRIVING LATE FOR A CLASS, BEING DISMISSED FROM A CLASS, ETC.
If a BRC2 LW class is not posted on our website, go to the Course Schedule page of our website and follow us on Eventbrite (our registration platform) for email notifications from Eventbrite when we post them. You can also sign-up for our newsletter on the Home Page of this website, "Like" our Facebook page and/or follow us on Instagram. We usually offer the BRC2 LW twice a year. The first one is usually conducted in April or May, which is Motorcycle Awareness Month. (You can also take the BRC1 on your own motorcycle).
Because of our reputation, there is a very high demand for our classes. Our classes sell out very quickly. We sell out our classes before any other motorcycle school in the State. If a class is sold out, you can get on the Waiting List for that class. Just go through the process of registering for the class, even though it is sold out. It will tell you there are no seats left and ask you if you want to Join Waitlist. Join the Waitlist. If we get a cancellation for that class, an email is automatically sent from Eventbrite to the first person on the Waitlist. That person has one day to register for the class. If the person doesn't register for the class after one day, another email is automatically sent from Eventbrite to the next person on the Waitlist. There is no Waitlist for future classes. There are only Waitlists for Sold Out classes posted on the Course Schedule page of our website.
If you want to order a Gift Certificate for the BRC2 LW for someone, click here.
"On behalf of the Bergen County HOG Chapter, I want to thank you for the private BRC2 you held for us. All the chapter members enjoyed the course, had fun, and learned quite a few new things. Great course. Great instructors"......Richie Schenone, Director of the BC Hogs
"If I took this course every year, I wouldn't have crashed last year"......Juan Bautista-Gomez
"I had to take the course in order to be a Road Captain for my HOG Chapter. I've been riding for 23 years and I thought there was nothing new for me to learn. Man, was I mistaken. I realized how bad a rider I was. My physical and riding skills have improved 100%. It should be mandatory that every motorcyclist take the course once a year. It would help to reduce motorcycle accidents. And yes, I'll agree. You guys are the best".....Peter Marchutto
"I've been riding for years without a motorcycle license. I decided to become legal by taking the BRC2 LW because the laws got stricter. Glad I did for two reasons. I don't have to worry now if a cop pulls me over and my skills are so much better now. This is definitely the way to go. Forget your friends and YouTube"......Juan Perez
"I take the ERC once a year and have taken it with several motorcycle schools in NJ & NY. Your ERC is the best".....Edgar Plfatmar
"Great refresher course. Polished my skills"......Jen Willmot
"I take the course on my scooter once a year to keep my physical and mental riding skills sharp. Scooter riders encounter the same hazards motorcyclists do".... Pamela Lee Dumaris
If you would like to donate to our cause (to help reduce motorcycle accidents in the State of NJ & help us pay for our operational expenses), click here.
The BRC2 LW is certified as one of the NJ-approved Defensive Driving Courses. You will get an insurance discount for successfully completing the entire course if your insurance company participates in the Defense Driving program. 2 points will also be removed from your driving record if you have any points on your driving record. If you have points removed, you have to wait 5 years to get more points removed by taking the MSF BRC2 LW course again. If you want to continue getting the insurance discount, you will have to take the MSF BRC2 LW course every 3 years. The NJ MVC will also remove up to 3 points on your driving record if you go an entire year without getting any points.
Yes, but we suggest that you take the BRC2 LW by yourself first before you take the BRC2 LW with a passenger so that you get more comfortable riding your motorcycle. Then take another BRC2 LW with a passenger using your own motorcycle.
If you are going to take the BRC2 LW with a passenger, the passenger must also wear the same riding gear listed above (items 5-10).
If you are taking the course to get a motorcycle endorsement, you will receive 2 cards if you successfully complete the course (pass the course Knowledge Test and the Skill Test). The 2 cards are a NJ MVC Motorcycle Operator Skill Test License Waiver card and an MSF course completion card. Take these two cards to the NJ MVC location you have an appointment with. (The NJ MVC no longer allows walk-ins). The NJ MVC will put an M (motorcycle) endorsement on the front and back of your NJ Driver License in the Endorsement section.
The NJ MVC motorcycle license waiver card is valid for 180 days (6 months). The NJ MVC motorcycle License Waiver card expires 180 days after it has been issued. We cannot reissue another NJ MVC motorcycle License Waiver card if the prior card has expired. You will have to take the course again to get another NJ MVC motorcycle License Waiver card. No exceptions.
Make sure you get the MSF course completion card back from the NJ MVC. Some insurance companies will give you a discount for taking the course. Some motorcycle dealerships and motorcycle stores will give you a discount if you show them your MSF course completion card. (You may want to laminate the card).
When you go to the NJ MVC to get your motorcycle endorsement, you will have to bring your valid & current NJ motorcycle permit, your NJ Driver License, 6 points of identification and pay for a new Driver License based on the pro rata expiration date of your current Driver License.
You are not legally licensed to ride a motorcycle on public roads in NJ unless you have a valid and current NJ motorcycle permit (riding is restricted to certain times and on certain roads and limited to riding in NJ only), or have an M endorsement on your Driver License, or have a Motorcycle License.
Click here to make an appointment. Select "Driver's License" then select "Initial Permit (Before Knowledge Test)".
NJ MVC TIP - We suggest making an appointment today for a date shortly after competing the BRC2 LW course.
If you misplace or lose the cards we issued you, there is a $25 replacement fee per card.
What is the difference between a motorcycle license and a motorcycle endorsement?
A motorcycle license is a separate license issued if you don't have a NJ Driver License. A motorcycle endorsement is an endorsement added to your NJ Driver License that allows you to legally ride a motorcycle. An M is added to the Endorsement section on your NJ Driver License if you have a motorcycle endorsement.
Our mission is to help reduce motorcycle crashes in the State of NJ.
Our goal is to help our students become safe, smart, responsible motorcycle riders.
Our vision is motorcycles sharing the road with other roadway users with zero crashes.
(973) 742-2300