The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
There are several reasons why you want to choose our training school over the other motorcycle training schools in NJ;
The primary reason is that we teach the MSF courses beyond the minimum standard. What does that mean? It means you get more out of the course by taking it with us. Our instructors, because of the extensive training they are required to take with us, have a deeper understanding of the course material and that will help you better understand the material and retain the information so you can become a smarter, safer rider. Most of the instructors in the State of NJ have not received this additional, extensive training. Our instructors want you to receive more than just a motorcycle license/endorsement after taking the class. They want you to learn how to properly ride a motorcycle and avoid a crash.
Here are some other reasons why our instructors are the best in the State;
1) They don't yell or scream at you. This is the biggest complaint about other motorcycle schools. Their instructors will yell at you if you're not doing something correctly or not learning quick enough. Our instructors understand you're learning a new skill. They have the extra patience to work with you and know what to say and do to help you improve without yelling at you or putting you down..
2) They don't dismiss you quickly if you are struggling during the first few practice riding exercises. This is the second biggest complaint about other motorcycle schools. Their instructors are in it for the money and want to get home quickly. They don't want to spend the extra time that may be needed to help you. Our instructors like to get paid too but they are dedicated to helping you learn how to ride a motorcycle and avoid a crash. Because of their extensive training, they know how to get through to you if you are struggling, They understand that you are learning a new skill.
3) Our instructors are professional instructors. Almost all of our instructors have years of experience teaching, training or coaching in other fields. Some are or were dance instructors, grammar school teachers, high school teachers, college professors, scuba instructors, airplane instructors, driving instructors, corporate trainers, salespeople, sales trainers, seminar leaders. They know how to impart new knowledge so that you understand it and retain it. They also know how to ease your anxieties and make learning fun. They also give you the best techniques to help you avoid a crash.
4) Our instructors are required to take an adult-learning workshop every year to stay up-to-date with the latest techniques in the adult-learning, learner-centered field.
5) Our instructors practice what they preach. They ride frequently and apply all of the MSF techniques and concepts when they ride a motorcycle and drive a car. The MSF techniques and concepts are second nature to them. They walk their talk.
To see who our instructors are, click here.
In addition to using the latest adult-learning techniques, we also teach certain proven mental techniques that help to learn a new skill.
1) We use user-friendly training motorcycles designed for novice riders. We have a variety of different sized motorcycles in our fleet; 125cc Honda Monkeys, 125cc Honda Groms, a 125cc Kawasaki Pro, 200cc Suzuki Van Vans, a 310 BMW and a Yamaha XT 250. Other motorcycle schools use bigger and heavier motorcycles as training motorcycles which are hard to handle if you're a novice rider.
2) We keep our training motorcycles in good running condition despite the dents, scratches and nicks. We have certified motorcycle mechanics inspect and service our training motorcycle and they get a full service every year after the training season. Some of the training motorcycles at other motorcycle schools have broken levers which can cause an injury, have bald tires which can cause a crash, are in terrible running condition. This is the third biggest complaint about other motorcycle schools.
Our practice riding location is free of potholes, large cracks, sticky tar strips, weeds, gravel, sand and other hazardous debris. Some of the other training locations in NJ look like a war zone. Our training location is a great and safe learning environment with a beautiful mountain as a backdrop. Our site, Montclair State University, is considered by many to be the best site in the State.
Check our Google rating and reviews. We also periodically survey our students. Our overall rating is a 9.8 out of 10. As of this date (10/19/21), we've trained over 10,000 students. No other school has a better rating than us. And we don't pay people to give us a rating.
In 2019, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) recognized us as one of the most successful motorcycle training schools in the country and asked us to explain what we do at the 2019 MSF Conference in Ohio in September.
Ask any one of our former students where you should take the course and every one will say "The Riding Academy of NJ - nowhere else". And some of our students have taken courses at other motorcycle schools. That's why we don't do much advertising or have a booth or table at motorcycle-related events. Our students do the advertising for us. They are walking, talking billboards for us. They aren't just happy students. They are euphotic students.
We offer many benefits, options and features no other motorcycle school in the State offers.
We are the only motorcycle training school in the State of NJ that offers refunds. Check out our Refund Policy to see what they are.
We are the only motorcycle training school in the State of NJ that offers a free retest if you don't pass the Skill Test on the first attempt. Some motorcycle schools offer no retests and some charge a fee to retest.
We offer a 10% discount to active & retired military, police, firefighters and EMTs. We appreciate them putting their life on the line for others. Some of our instructors are retired military, active or retired police, active or retired firefighters, active or retired EMTs. We know what you do.
We offer a $75 discount to under-graduate college students and we offer a $100 discount to under-graduates MSU students and staff. We want to introduce them to the joy of motorcycling at an affordable price.
We offer a Family Discount for immediate family members who take the course together. The family that rides together, stays together.
We worked and work hard to be the best motorcycle training school in NJ by hiring and training the best instructors in the State, and by offering some features and benefits that no other motorcycle training school in NJ offers. And we work even harder to stay the best. Take the course with us and you'll see why we're the best in the State of NJ.
Our mission is to help reduce motorcycle crashes in the State of NJ.
Our goal is to help our students become safe, smart, responsible motorcycle riders.
Our vision is motorcycles sharing the road with other roadway users with zero crashes.
(973) 742-2300