The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
Several years ago, The Record newspaper interviewed the current owner of The Riding Academy of NJ, Dave Bellizzi, and wanted to know why his motorcycle school is considered to be the best in NJ and recognized by the MSF as one of the most successful motorcycle schools in the country.
Dave was quick to point out that it's not his school. "I run it and manage it but our instructors make the school unique and so successful. They have the same vision and passion I have. Like attracts like", said Dave.
"Back in 1996, when I was preparing to be a motorcycle safety instructor, I rode from Montvale to Piscataway every weekend to help the instructors who were assigned to teach the motorcycle classes that weekend. I didn't get paid for helping out. It was strictly voluntary. I was getting as much experience as I could to prepare for the Instructor Training Course (RCP) that was scheduled for the following year.
After a few months of doing this, I started to question if I really wanted to do this - be a motorcycle safety instructor. The pay isn't that great and you have to be outside in the rain, the heat and the cold.
One day after finishing up a class, on the ride home, I decided that it wasn't for me. I stopped at a gas station to get gas for my motorcycle. As I was gassing up my motorcycle, I witnessed a fatal motorcycle accident. I could see the accident unfolding in front of my eyes. I yelled to the rider what to do to avoid the crash but it was too late. He was trying to pass a truck on the right in a lane that was merging into the truck's lane. There was a fire hydrant at the end of the lane. He target-fixated on the fire hydrant and hit it with his right leg, which went flying in the air. He flew off the bike in another direction.
I ran to him. I knew it was a matter of short time before he bled to death. I held him in my arms and opened his face shield. He looked at me as if to say, 'What happened'?. He died in my arms seconds later.
I took that as a sign to stick with becoming a motorcycle safety instructor. I still see that kid's face in the back of the room every time I teach a class. That's why I'm so passionate about teaching motorcycle safety courses. I speak with rolling thunder. We do what we can to help our students learn how to ride a motorcycle, further develop their riding skills and avoid a crash. And our staff of instructors have that same passion. Birds of a feather flock together. That's what keeps us head & shoulders above the rest - we really care about our students and their safety".
Our mission is to help reduce motorcycle crashes in the State of NJ.
Our goal is to help our students become safe, smart, responsible motorcycle riders.
Our vision is motorcycles sharing the road with other roadway users with zero crashes.
(973) 742-2300