The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
The place where celebrities & corporations come to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
The Silva Mind Control Method is the world's most famous mind development training program. Over 6 million people worldwide in more than 100 countries are using The Silva Mind Control Method to improve all aspects of their lives - overcoming all types of health problems and all types of other problems. The Silva Mind Control Method is dynamic meditation. You just don't sit there for 15 minutes and do nothing, although that form of passive meditation has its benefits.
With The Silva Mind Control Method you use more of your mind while meditating. You visualize the results you want. The key to The Silva Mind Control Method is training yourself to lower your brain wave frequency to the Alpha level and remain awake with conscious awareness. Most people are asleep when their brain produces dominant Alpha waves. The Silva Mind Control Method teaches you how to lower your brain wave frequency to the Alpha level and remain awake while you visualize. The theory is that functioning at the Alpha brain wave level with conscious awareness allows you to tap the power of your subconscious mind. Graduates report being able to do some amazing and miraculous things at this level, which is the strongest of the four brain wave frequencies (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta). The body seems to heal faster at the Alpha level, results are more effective at the Alpha level and the ability to use your intuition and other mental senses are triggered at the Alpha level.
Click here for more information about The Silva Mind Control Method.
The key mental training exercise that makes The Silva Mind Control Method so successful and effective is The Silva Relaxation Exercise, which is now called The Silva Centering Exercise since it trains you to lower your brain to the Alpha level, which is the center of the four brain wave frequencies. This exercise was developed by the creator of The Silva Mind Control Method, Jose Silva, after 22 years of research. The Silva Centering Exercise is part of The Silva Mind Control Method course. To listen to this powerful exercise, click here.
Your immune system strengthens, stress levels are lowered, internal body organs normalize from practicing The Silva Centering Exercise every day. It's best when you learn to do the exercise on your own and actively participate. Graduates of The Silva Mind Control Method course report overcoming migraine headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart conditions, cancer, addictive habits, improved memory, controlling pain and much more. All of the benefits of The Silva Centering Exercise are mentioned in The Silva Mind Control Method book published in 1977, which became a NY Times best seller.
Click here to hear Mr. Silva's explanation.
In 1944, when Jose Silva was in the Army during WW II, he read books on psychiatry, psychology and hypnosis. When he returned home from the war, he used hypnosis to help his children memorize their homework assignments to improve their grammar school grades. It worked very well but it led him to study another field - ESP.
While preparing to read a series of homework lessons to his oldest daughter, who was in a hypnotized state, she started to read his mind - stating what lesson he was going to read first, second and third. Mr. Silva was surprised and fascinated. This lead Mr. Silva to conduct further experiments with his other children and the children in the neighborhood. Now his study and research turned to the field of ESP.
He consulted with the experts in the field of ESP, including the leading expert, Dr. Rhine of Duke University. They had different views because Mr. Silva discovered that ESP wasn't an extra sense that only a few people possessed. It was a sense that could be taught to and further developed by everyone with his training method. Dr. Rhine totally disagreed.
After consulting with specialists in various fields, Mr. Silva developed a 4-day health improvement, self improvement and ESP program and called it The Silva Mind Control Method. He started teaching it in 1966 throughout the State of Texas where he lived. The demand for the program increased very rapidly. He realized that he couldn't meet the demand by himself so he started training others to teach the program. Then it spread to other States in the country, then to Mexico, South America, Europe and worldwide. Many books have been written about The Silva Mind Control Method and translated into various different languages. Many audio programs and home-study programs about The Silva Mind Control Method have also been published.
The course has many benefits;
The bottom line is, you will learn how to use your untapped mental abilities to solve any problem and detect all kinds of information in all areas of your life.
We sure do! We've got plenty, including what our graduates report. Click here for our research projects. And there is a 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. You can't beat that!
SuperMind was created by Dave Bellizzi, the owner of The Riding Academy of NJ, after his nickname "Super Dave". Dave was an award-winning Silva Mind Control Method instructor before he decided to get into motorcycle safety training. He helped to develop two specialized Silva Mind Control Method programs; one for athletes and another one for salespeople.
He recently developed a series of short webinars on some of The Silva Mind Control Method concepts and techniques. Below are the recordings of some of the webinars.
Learn how to think positive, be positive and stay positive. Click here to listen to this powerful session.
Learn how powerful your thoughts are and how they determine the type of life you have. Click here to listen to this eye-opening session.
Learn how to use this powerful technique to get what you want and solve problems. Click here to listen to this powerful session.
Who's controlling your mind? Do you have a "Monkey Mind"? Learn how to develop steel trap concentration. Click here to listen to this insightful session.
Learn how to use 2 Silva Mind Control Method techniques to sleep better and get rid of tension and migraine headaches, forever. Recording not yet available
Our mission is to help reduce motorcycle crashes in the State of NJ.
Our goal is to help our students become safe, smart, responsible motorcycle riders.
Our vision is motorcycles sharing the road with other roadway users with zero crashes.
(973) 742-2300